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Some of the reasons why slow the work of Android phones

One of the most difficult things for Android smartphone users is the slowness that appears over time. This happens very often and the reason is unknown. But we are aware of these problems, so we will provide you with the most important problems and how to solve them easily. A possible way.

  • Many applications

One of the most wrong things for Android smartphone users is that they install too many unnecessary applications. They slow down the phone and become a heavy burden on it. The files that these applications leave on the phone are eliminated. These applications are not important to make the phone work normally.

  • Applications in the background

If you're leaving apps running in the background, your phone is probably very slow at work because of this habit, so you should always make sure you do not leave any applications running in the background to avoid problems or consume other device resources .

  • Updates

Google is always keen to launch the latest updates to Android systems, but the company takes into account the individual differences of specifications between the phones when the launch of these updates, so you select the phones that are suitable for these versions that will work without any problems with the speed of the phone. If you want to keep away from this problem, you should not download updates from external sources.

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